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U.S. Jail Inmates Die After Being Restrained-Pt.5

DM Inmate in handcuffs

Guidelines for the Use of Restraints Continued

A county sheriff in a jurisdiction outside Texas provides details regarding the use of restraints on inmates. More information on restraints follows:

  • Inmates being escorted to court will be placed in restraints. In addition, anytime an inmate is being transported outside of the facility, they will be placed in restraints. the only exception is that inmates on Inmate Work Force work assignments will be escorted by an armed deputy.
  • The approval of the on duty ranking supervisor is required before restraining an individual by any means other than with metal or plastic regulation hand and leg cuffs.
  • The following applies anytime restraints are used, though exceptions include transportation from the facility, to court, during routine operations, and where restraints are required or for the safety of the inmate:
    • The medical staff will be notified and will check the individual when restraints are applied and at the required intervals thereafter. The inmate will be under constant observation prior to this medical assessment. All inmate observation checks will be documented.
    • A Special Housing Observation Log will be prepared.
    • An incident report will be submitted.
  • Restraints are not to be used as a method of punishment.

Also, see Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4. In the next segment, learn some restrictions placed on using approved restraints.

Helping Texas inmates detained in municipal and county jails by providing resources of potential benefit is the purpose of this website. It is never intended to imply that an organization or person has engaged in misdeeds.

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author avatar smchugh
author avatar smchugh