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Why Aren’t More Fentanyl Deaths in Jails Prevented?-Pt. 6

Fentanyl Found on Newly Booked Inmates Continued

A female inmate was discovered with 200 pills during the booking process in the fourth seizure at the jail. Two blue pills fell out of her body into a cup of urine when she was giving a urine sample. The inmate was searched further and pills began to fall out of her body onto the floor. Bags had been torn open in her body. One hundred fifty pills were discovered initially. As a precaution, she was taken to the emergency room. In the hospital, 50 additional pills were located inside her, and they had already started dissolving.

The last seizure in the frame of time spoken of occurred on February 12. When an inmate was changing clothes in booking, an officer observed that he was trying to conceal an unknown item between his legs and put them in the socks he was issued. The item was seized, and about 200 pills were discovered.

The sheriff of that jail recognized the detention officers who continue to try to protect our employees and the inmate population from fentanyl and other dangerous drugs. They were commended for the work they do.

It takes exposure to a small amount of fentanyl to place people in danger. An amount the size of a few grains of salt can be lethal.

Learn more in Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, and Part 5 of this continuing series.

Helping Texas jail detainees and their families with resources is one of the purposes of this website. There is no intention of suggesting that people or organizations have been involved in misdeeds.

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author avatar smchugh
author avatar smchugh