Wrongful Death and Brutality in Jail Lawyer/Attorney in Texas: Culberson County Jail

The address of Culberson County Jail is 210 La Caverna Street in Van Horn, Texas 79855; and the phone number is (432) 283-2060. Culberson County Jail has an inmate capacity of 17. The responsibilities of the Culberson County Sheriff include jail operations. The Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS), which sets jail guidelines, conducts routine jail inspections to ensure compliance with minimum jail standards.
Inmate Supervision
All inmates at Culberson County Jail must be adequately supervised, according to the specifics provided by TCJS in the Texas Administrative Code. Suicide prevention is an important issue because being incarcerated is never supposed to be a death sentence. It has been discovered through research that inmate supervision is the single most effective way to prevent custodial deaths.
The following are among the details of minimum standards of inmate supervision:
- The appropriate number of jail staff must be at the jail facility at all times.
- There must be an established procedure for documenting face-to-face observations of inmates. During jail inspections, the documentation is carefully scrutinized to determine whether the jail has been complying with this important safety standard.
- Face-to-face observations must be conducted as follows:
- In the general population, there must be a face-to-face observation of all inmates every 60 minutes at most.
- Inmates who are known to be potentially suicidal, assaultive, or mentally ill and individuals exhibiting bizarre behavior must have a face-to-face observation every 30 minutes at most.
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–Guest Contributor