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Wrongful Death and Neglect in Jail Lawyer/Attorney in Texas: Cochran County Jail

The address of Cochran County Jail is Room B-7 Courthouse, 100 N Main Street in Morton, Texas 79346; and the phone number is (806) 266-5211. The inmate capacity at Cochran County Jail is 13. The Cochran County Sheriff’s duties include the operation of the jail. The Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS) establishes jail standards and enforces them, chiefly via jail inspections, follow-up on non-compliance, and disciplinary actions, as necessary.

Inmate Medical Care

Whether a jail as small as Cochran County Jail or one of the larger jails in the state, all Texas county jails must provide inmates with medical care. Requirements for each jail start out with a health services plan that must be approved by TCJS. The following are examples of the types of health care that inmates have a right to in Texas:

  • Necessary convalescent and long-term care must be provided for disabled inmates.
  • There must be a procedure allowing jailers to seek the medical, dental, and mental health care services that inmates require.
  • Medical examinations and medical treatments for inmates must be performed in a dignified and reasonable place and manner.
  • Procedures must be in place which require that a qualified medical professional will review any prescription medications an inmate is taking as soon as possible after the inmate has been booked into the county jail.

This post is provided as an informational resource. There is no intent for this site’s posts to denote that misconduct has occurred on the part of any person or institution.

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author image smchugh
author image smchugh