Wrongful Death and Neglect in Jail Lawyer/Attorney in Texas: Cooke County Jail

The address of Cooke County Jail is 300 County Road 451 in Gainesville, Texas 76240; and the phone number is (940) 665-3471. Cooke County Jail is approximately 40,000 square feet, and the inmate capacity is 212. The Cooke County Sheriff’s responsibilities include jail operations. Guidelines for running the jail are provided by the Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS). Minimum jail standards are primarily enforced through regular jail inspections and by following up on non-compliance.
Medical Care
Inmates at Cooke County Jail and in all detention facilities have a right to necessary medical care. Every jail facility is required to develop a written plan for meeting medical care requirements, and it must be approved by TCJS. The following are examples of health services requirements in Texas jails:
- Inmates must be provided with prompt and efficient care in emergency and acute situations.
- Inmates must be referred for mental, medical, and dental services when they are needed.
- The jail must arrange for routinely scheduled sick calls.
- An appropriate person designated by the jail operator or Sheriff must ensure distribution of prescriptions in accordance with doctors’ instructions.
- Jail staff must be trained on the identification of inmates who are pregnant and in labor so that appropriate care can be provided. When an inmate states they are in labor, they must promptly be transported to a local hospital.
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–Guest Contributor