Wrongful Death and Neglect in Jail Lawyer/Attorney in Texas: Dallas County Jail

The address of Dallas County Jail is 111 West Commerce Street in Dallas, Texas 75202; and the phone number is (214) 761-9025. Dallas County Jail has an inmate capacity of 8,746. Jail operations are among the duties of the Dallas County Sheriff. Jail requirements are determined by the Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS). Enforcement procedures for maintaining minimum jail standards primarily involve jail inspections, including follow-up inspections of non-compliant jails.
Dallas County Jail Visitation
The Dallas County Sheriff provides detailed online information about visitation at the Dallas County Jail. Visitors are encouraged to become familiar with all aspects of visitation procedures.
Dress Code
Individuals wearing any of the following will not be allowed entrance into the jail for their scheduled inmate visit:
- Seductive clothing
- Transparent clothing
- Strapless tops
- Halter tops
- Tube tops
- Backless Tops
- Spaghetti straps
- Shorts that are shorter than knee length
- Skirts shorter than knee length
- Gang-related clothing, graffiti, or hairstyles
Special Visits
Individuals who live more than 75 miles from Dallas are allowed one special visit. A person who wants a “Special Visit” does not have to be listed on the inmate’s list of approved visitors. To qualify for a special visit, the visitor must show valid proof of residence. The hours of visitation for a person who lives more than 75 miles away may be at any time except during hours of regular visitation, feeding times, or emergency conditions.
Special visits are one-time-only opportunities to visit an inmate because it is assumed the inmate could not reasonably have anticipated the visit when completing the card listing approved visitors.
This website’s posts are meant to be informational resources. There is no intent to denote that any individual, institution, or government agency has engaged in any type of wrongdoing.
–Guest Contributor