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Wrongful Death in Jail Lawyer/Attorney in Texas: Anderson County Jail

anderson county jail
Anderson County Jail Palestine Texas

Anderson County Jail, 1200 East Lacy Street, Palestine Texas 75801. The main number is (903) 729-6068. To file a report with a deputy at the Anderson County Sheriff’s Office, visit their office at the same address as the jail or call (903) 731-8200. Gregg L. Taylor has been the Anderson County Sheriff since January 1, 2005.

Sheriff Taylor communicates the key information about Anderson County Jail with a message on the main page of the jail website. In his message, he conveys the following about the jail, the conduct of the Sheriff’s Department and jail staff, and the conduct and goals of law enforcement in the community as follows:

  • The jail will provide citizens the highest level of security and safety.
  • Law enforcement and jail personnel aim to be highly trained, confident, and to conduct themselves with the utmost integrity.
  • Everything within the power of the Sheriff’s Department will be done to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States and its laws.
  • The citizens and property in the County will be protected to the best of the Sheriff’s Department’s ability.
  • Strategies and alternate ways for achieving the department’s goals at the lowest possible cost will be sought out.
  • The Sheriff’s Department stays active in the community by:
    • educating youth about the dangers of drugs and bad behavior,
    • promoting neighborhood watch programs, and by
    • maintaining an effective crime stoppers program.

The Sheriff’s Department includes various links that could be helpful to the public, including Victims Services (Texas Department of Criminal Justice Victim Services).

The purpose of this post is to provide helpful information about Anderson County Jail and the Sheriff’s Department. As with all of the posts on this site, there is never an intention to assert or imply wrongdoing or misconduct on the part of any institution, organization, or individual.

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author avatar smchugh
author avatar smchugh