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Wrongful Death in Jail Lawyer/Attorney in Texas: Bee County Jail

399px Bee County Courthouse 10554804165
Bee County Courthouse

Bee County Jail is located at 1511 E. Toledo Street, Beeville, Texas 78102; and the phone number is (361) 362-3223. Among the Bee County Sheriff’s responsibilities is to run the county jail. The Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS) has established minimum jail standards that all jails in the state are required to uphold. Jail standards are generally enforced via jail inspection.

Bee County Jail has a total bed capacity of 128. As in all Texas jails, each inmate must be provided with health care. Most complaints made against city and county jails in Texas are related to alleged denial of needed medical attention.

Health Care for Inmates

The following are a few of the jail standards with regard to health care for inmates:  

  • Regularly scheduled visits to jails must be made by medical personnel to attend to inmates who are ill;
  • When inmates need mental, medical, and dental services, referrals must be made by the jail staff in request of those services;   
  • Disabled inmates must be provided with necessary convalescent and long-term care;
  • Procedures must be in place for inmates to receive prompt and efficient emergency services when needed for acute medical symptoms;
  • Prescriptions of inmates must be distributed in accordance with the physicians’ written instructions, and the person distributing those prescriptions must be an appropriate individual who has been designated by the Sheriff or a person of authority at the jail; and
  • Adequate patient evacuation equipment and first aid equipment must be on hand at all times.

Like all posts on this website, this is an informational post. There is no intent to imply or infer wrongdoing or misconduct on the part of any government institution, organization, or individual.

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author image smchugh
author image smchugh