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Wrongful Death in Jail Lawyer/Attorney in Texas: Briscoe County Jail

DM Inside a jail cell

The Briscoe County Sheriff’s office is located at 415 Main Street, Silverton, Texas 79257; and the phone number is (806) 823-2135. In 1894, the Briscoe County Jail was erected, and it still stands at the northeast corner of Courthouse Square and Silverton, Texas. When the historical building was constructed, horse-drawn wagons hauled hand-cut stones from Tule Canyon. In the early days, the jail was used as a residence for sheriffs and their families. During World War I, Red Cross workers used the lower floor of Briscoe County Jail for sewing. The jail is a lasting reminder of courage, integrity, and determination to uphold the law. A historical marker was erected for Briscoe County Jail in 1967.

Briscoe County was created on August 21, 1876, and officially organized on March 15, 1892. Briscoe County was named for Andrew Briscoe, who lived from 1810 to 1849. He was known for the following:

  • A defender of freedom at the Battle of Concepcion
  • A freedom fighter at the Battle of San Jacinto, and
  • A Chief Justice in Harris County, Texas

Historic Quitaque Ranch was located in Briscoe County. The ranch was established in 1877 by the Baker brothers. In 1880, Charles Goodnight bought the ranch for Mrs. Cornelia Adair. Quitaque Ranch together with Palo Duro ranches, more than one millions acres were acquired by Goodnight in 1887. The ranches were later divided into smaller tracks.

This post is provided as a source of information. There is no intent to infer that wrongdoing has occurred on the part of any government institution or individual.

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author avatar smchugh
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