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Wrongful Death in Jail Lawyer/Attorney in Texas: Carson County Jail

DM Inmate in handcuffs

Carson County Jail is located at 201 US Highway 60, P.O. Box 972 in Panhandle, Texas 79068. The phone number at Carson County Jail is (806) 537-3511. The inmate capacity is 50. The Carson County Sheriff assumes responsibility for the jail. The Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS) sets forth minimum standards for the manner in which jails in Texas are run.

Inmate Supervision

An important responsibility of all Texas jails is to ensure the safety of each inmate, and inmate supervision has proven to be one of the most important ways to keep detainees safe. The following are some of the requirements with regard to inmate supervision:

  • Each jail facility will have the required number of jailers 24 hours every day.
  • There must be an established procedure for documentation of face-to-face observations by jailers.
  • In the general jail population, jailers must have a face-to-face observation of inmates at least every 60 minutes.
  • In areas with potentially suicidal, mentally ill, or assaultive inmates and inmates that are behaving in a bizarre manner, face-to-face observations will be performed every 30 minutes at the latest.
  • At all times, a two-way voice communication method must exist between inmates on the one hand and jailers, bailiffs, designated staff, and licensed peace officers on the other.  

Each of this website’s posts is provided as a source of information for current and former Texas inmates and their families, particularly if civil rights violations have occurred. There is no intention to infer that wrongdoing has occurred on the part of any entity or institution.

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author avatar smchugh
author avatar smchugh