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Wrongful Death in Jail Lawyer/Attorney in Texas: Cass County Jail

DM County Jail 1

Cass County Jail is located at 600 Hwy 8 North in Linden, Texas 75563. The phone number at Cass County Jail is (903) 756-7511. The inmate capacity is 96. The Cass County Sheriff assumes responsibility for the jail. The Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS) sets forth minimum standards for Texas jails.

Suicide Prevention / Mental Disabilities

An important aspect of minimum jail standards is to ensure the safety of every inmate. Those who have mental disabilities or demonstrate signs of potentially being suicidal must be given special consideration and placement in the jail. When inmates have mental issues, jail staff members are required to conduct face-to-face observations every 30 minutes at the most, for example. The following are additional components of a jail’s approach to protecting inmates with mental disabilities and/or in need of suicide prevention measures:

  • The members of the jail staff must be trained on procedures for supervising, recognizing, documenting, and handling inmates who are mentally disabled or possibly suicidal.    
  • Any members of the staff who are responsible for intake screening must have additional training on procedures to follow during the intake of inmates.
  • Jail staff must follow the correct procedures for housing inmates who are potentially suicidal and/or mentally disabled.
  • Training of jail staff includes procedures for intervening prior to occurrences of suicide or suicide attempts and when an inmate is exhibiting serious deterioration of their mental condition.

The posts on this site are provided for informational purposes. There is no intention to infer that wrongdoing has occurred on the part of any person or entity.

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author avatar smchugh
author avatar smchugh