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Wrongful Death in Jail Lawyer/Attorney in Texas: Coleman County Jail

DM County Jail 1

The address of Coleman County Jail is 965 U.S. 283 North in Coleman, Texas 76834; and the phone number is (325) 625-3506. The inmate capacity at Coleman County Jail is 57. The operation of the jail is among the responsibilities handled by the Coleman County Sheriff. The Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS) requires jails to meet minimum jail standards. Enforcement is generally accomplished via jail inspections.

Inmate Supervision at Coleman County Jail

The jail standard regarding the supervision of inmates has been recognized as a significant method for ensuring the safety of detainees. A complication that arises in many Texas jails is chronic understaffing. Without the appropriate number of jailers at any given time, the requirements for inmate supervision are frequently neglected. The following are among the specifics for observation of inmates:

  • The general population of inmates must be observed in a face-to-face check every 60 minutes at most. For inmates who are known to have displayed bizarre behavior or who are potentially suicidal, mentally ill, or assaultive, the requirement for inmate supervision is to check these at-risk inmates every 30 minutes at most.
  • At all times, a two-way voice communication capability must exist between:
    • Inmates and
    • Designated staff, licensed peace officers, bailiffs, and jailers.
  • Jails can use closed-circuit television. However, the television cannot take the place of the required face-to-face observations.

This post is informational in nature. There is no intent for this or any other post on this site to signify that misconduct of any kind has occurred on the part of any individual or institution.

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author avatar smchugh
author avatar smchugh