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Wrongful Death, Neglect, and Abuse in Jail Lawyer/Attorney in Texas: Dawson County Jail

The address of Dawson County Jail is 400 South 1st Street in Lamesa, Texas 79331; and the phone number is (806) 872-7560. Dawson County Jail has an inmate capacity of 54. The responsibilities of the Dawson County Sheriff include jail operations. Minimum jail standards are determined by the Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS). Enforcement procedures for maintaining those standards involve jail inspections and increased oversight of non-compliant jails.

Medical Care at Texas Jails

A requirement for Dawson County Jail and all jails in Texas is to provide health services to prisoners as required in the Texas Commission on Jail Standards section of the Texas Administrative Code. The health services requirements include the following:

  • The jail will submit a health services plan approved by the TCJS.
  • The health services plan includes procedures to maintain a health record on each individual inmate.
  • Medical records of inmates must include health screening administered either by a jailer who has been trained or by a health professional at the time inmates are booked into jail. The screening must include the following information:
    • Health history;
    • Current treatment for mental, medical, and dental care;
    • Current prescriptions, therapy, special diets, and illnesses;
    • Behavioral observation, which includes mental status and level of consciousness.
  • An inventory of body deformities must be made, which includes the presence of lice and vermin, condition of body orifices, markings, and ease of movement.
  • Another set of health records will show all subsequent treatment, disposition, diagnosis, findings, medical isolation, medication distribution, and the name of any institution to which the prisoner’s health record has been released.

This website’s posts are meant to be informational resources. There is not an intention to suggest that any individual or institution has engaged in any type of misconduct.

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author image smchugh
author image smchugh