Wrongful Death, Neglect, and Abuse in Jail Lawyer/Attorney in Texas: Denton County Jail

The address of Denton County Jail is 127 North Woodrow Lane in Denton, Texas 76205; and the phone number is (940) 349-1700. Denton County Jail has an inmate capacity of 1,788. The duties of the Denton County Sheriff include jail operations. The Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS) establishes and enforces minimum jail standards. Jail inspections and increased oversight of non-compliant jails are primary approaches to the enforcement of jail standards.
Phone Calls and Commissary Services
Denton County Jail provides online information on phone calls and commissary services as follows:
Family members and friends of inmates have options for setting up phone conversations. First, they can place money on the prisoner’s Phone Debit account. Another option is to set up an Advanced Connect Account, which allows inmates to make phone calls. Setup is made at the Securus Technologies website. For assistance, you can call 800-844-6591.
Friends and family of inmates can call 866-345-1884 or go to Access Corrections online to set up an account to place money on an inmate’s commissary account.
Visitation at Denton County Jail
Inmates can have remote home visits on Sundays through Saturdays from 7:30 am to 9 pm. Inmates who are not currently in disciplinary housing can also have up to two in-person visits per week at the Public On-Site area provided. All in-person visitors must be register and schedule a visit, after which the inmate can approve or deny the visit. The time scheduled for a visit is approved only after the inmate has approved the visit.
Go to the Denton County Jail website for more details about visitation.
The purpose of the posts on this website is to provide information that may be of help. There is at no time an intention to denote in any way that a government institution or an individual has been involved in misconduct.
–Guest Contributor