Wrongful Death, Neglect, and Abuse in Jail Lawyer/Attorney in Texas: Donley County Jail

The address of Donley County Jail is 301 S Jefferson Street in Clarendon, Texas 79226; and the phone number is (806) 874-3533. Donley County Jail has an inmate capacity of 20. The responsibilities of the Donley County Sheriff include jail operations. The Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS) determines minimum jail standards and provides oversight. Jail inspections and increasing the jail oversight of non-compliant facilities are the primary jail standard enforcement methods.
Medical Care
Inmate health services must be provided for all Texas inmates, including those at Donley County Jail. The guidelines for medical care include medical records on inmates being followed through all parts of the admissions and classification process of inmates. If, for example, medical records, institutional history, current behavior, or intake screening identify the possibility of being suicidal, the suicidal risk must be made note of in the medical file.
As a result of being designated a risk for suicide, various events are supposed to occur. For instance, a potentially suicidal inmate would likely be placed in a cell with other at-risk inmates or in a single cell with one cellmate. A suicidal inmate might be placed in the infirmary.
An inmate should receive appropriate medical and/or psychiatric health services. If transport outside the secure facility of the jail is utilized, jailers should be able to see a notation about an inmate being a suicide risk, flight risk, or other special conditions.
The purpose of this website’s posts is to provide helpful information. There is in no way an intention to infer that a person or government institution has been involved in wrongdoing.
–Guest Contributor