Wrongful Death, Neglect, and Abuse in Jail Lawyer/Attorney in Texas: Duval County Jail

The address of Duval County Jail is 401 E. Collins Ave in San Diego, Texas 78384; and the phone number is (361) 279-3351. Duval County Jail has an inmate capacity of 33. Jail operations are handled by the Duval County Sheriff. The Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS) determines minimum jail standards and provides oversight. An area of concern with regard to the care of inmates has led to months of collaborative work with multiple agencies and some of the following conclusions and discoveries in the area of mental health.
Mental Health Considerations
TCJS requires that a suicide prevention and mental disability screening tool to be used during intake at a jail facility. Jailers can identify inmates who need mental health care using this important intake process.
A thorough mental health screening can get a program of care started from the Texas Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation (MHMR). The designation of an inmate being mentally disabled also alerts jailers that appropriate management of the inmate is needed.
According to a report, a weakness in the entire process that has been identified is that individuals prone to being suicidal may not be obviously at risk with the intake procedures that are in place. Classification reassessment of inmates is also important because the incarceration of an inmate may lead to a person who is otherwise healthy mentally suddenly committing suicide with no warning.
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–Guest Contributor