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Wrongful Death, Neglect, and Abuse in Jail Lawyer/Attorney in Texas: Eastland County Jail

DM County Jail 1

The address of Eastland County Jail is 102 North Lamar in Eastland, Texas 76448; and the phone number is (254) 629-2629. Eastland County Jail has an inmate capacity of 97. The jail is run by the Eastland County Sheriff. The Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS) establishes the minimum jail standards in the Lone Star State and provides oversight.

Inmate Safety / Suicide Prevention

Multiple agencies worked with TCJS in an effort to establish minimum jail standards to keep inmates safe while they are incarcerated and, more specifically, to prevent jail suicides. The following are among the findings of the research efforts.

  • Increased training of jailers is an effective way to better predict and prevent suicides and to enhance overall inmate safety.
  • The training of jailers that has been a focus in efforts to enhance inmate safety includes the ability to identify both symptoms of mental disabilities and the risk of suicide.
  • An analysis was conducted in coordination and conjunction with the Texas Council on Offenders with Mental Impairments, and the analysis includes methods for screening and making referrals.
  • Effective training on the important matter of inmate screening helps to establish a strategy for detection and awareness of an inmate’s potential suicidal tendencies.
  • Training of jailers should include routine monitoring of inmates who are potentially at risk for suicide.
  • One of the aspects of training that is helpful for suicide prevention is for jailers to be equipped to identify signs that are indicative of a potentially suicidal inmate as well as maintaining a viewpoint that at any time during incarceration, suicide by an inmate may be possible.

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–Guest Contributor

Written By: author avatar smchugh
author avatar smchugh