Wrongful Death, Neglect, and Abuse in Jail Lawyer/Attorney in Texas: Erath County Jail

The address of Erath County Jail is 1043 Glen Rose Rd; Stephenville, Texas 76401; and the jail can be contacted by calling (254) 965-3221. Erath County Jail has an inmate capacity of 145. Jail operation is among the duties of the Erath County Sheriff. Minimum jail standards are determined by the Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS). Enforcement of jail standards is also handled by the TCJS, primarily by way of jail inspections and increased oversight over non-compliant facilities.
Inmate Safety
In an effort to enhance inmate safety, the TCJS consulted with a number of other pertinent organizations. For example, an analysis was conducted by TCJS along with the Texas Council on Offenders with Mental Impairments to improve the process by which jailers determine the mental status of prisoners in county jails. Reviews of screening methods and referral procedures were included in the analysis.
It has been determined that the following insights can make jail facilities such as Erath County Jail a safer place for inmates:
- Increasing jailer training is an effective approach to enhancing inmate safety, though it is understood that not every suicide can be foreseen or prevented.
- In general, the well-being and health of inmates housed in Texas jails are dependent on providing jailers with sufficient training to identify symptoms of mental illness and possible vulnerability to committing suicide.
- It is important for the training of jailers to include identification of signs that indicate the potential of a person committing suicide. The view must be maintained, as well, that suicide could occur at any time during an inmate’s detention in a jail facility.
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–Guest Contributor