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Wrongful Death, Neglect, and Abuse in Jail Lawyer/Attorney in Texas: Hamilton County Jail

The location of Hamilton County Jail is 1108 S Rice in Hamilton, Texas 76531. The number to contact the jail is (254) 386-8128. Hamilton County Jail’s inmate capacity is 24. Jail operations are among the responsibilities of the Hamilton County Sheriff. The Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS) establishes the state’s minimum jail standards. Jail inspections are the means for enforcement that TCJS uses, and increased oversight of non-compliant jails is often part of enforcement.

Hamilton County Jail Visitation

Online information about Hamilton County Jail visitation is currently not posted. Certain aspects of visitation in Texas county jails are somewhat standard guidelines. Visitors should always contact a county jail with regard to visitation since days, times, and frequency of visits are different from one jail to the next. At some facilities, visits are made at the jail using video conferencing. The following are examples of general visitation rules standard to Texas county jails:

  • All adult visitors must have a valid photo ID, such as a current state driver’s license.
  • Children must be accompanied by an adult at all times.  
  • Conservative dress is required for visitors. The following are prohibited for adult visitors:
    • Shorts and skirts shorter than 3 inches above the knee;
    • Exposure of the breast, stomach, and undergarments;
    • Tank tops; and
    • Spaghetti straps.

The posts on this site are provided for informational purposes. There is never an intent to denote that a person or governmental institution has engaged in any kind of wrongdoing.

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author avatar smchugh
author avatar smchugh