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Wrongful Death, Neglect, and Abuse in Jail Lawyer/Attorney in Texas: Hopkins County Jail

The location of Hopkins County Jail is 298 Rosemont Street in Sulphur Springs, Texas 75482. The jail can be contacted at the phone number (903) 438-4040. Hopkins County Jail’s inmate capacity is 192. Duties of the Hopkins County Sheriff include jail operations. The Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS) determines and enforces minimum jail standards in the state. As is standard for all Texas jails, Hopkins County Jail is inspected by TCJS each year. When a jail is found to be non-compliant, oversight is enhanced until all issues are resolved.


The jail staff at Hopkins County Jail has the option of using restraints when inmates are behaving in a manner that indicates that they are dangerous to themselves or others. Restraints must at all times be used in a humane manner, and they are not to be used as a means of punishment. The following is information about minimum jail standards with regard to restraints on pregnant inmates:

  • If an inmate has been confirmed to be pregnant, a jail cannot use restraints on her, with several exceptions. There are other guidelines, as well, with regard to pregnant inmates. For example, for a period of not less than 12 weeks after an inmate has given birth, restraints cannot be used on her, with some exceptions.
  • Among the exceptions to this minimum jail standard is if the inmate is trying to escape or if the inmate poses a serious and immediate threat to the safety of the staff, another person in the public, or herself.

This and every post on this site is provided as a resource. At no time is there an intent to make an implication of any sort on this site that an institution or individual has been involved in wrongdoing of any kind.

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author avatar smchugh
author avatar smchugh