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Wrongful Death, Neglect, and Abuse in Jail Lawyer/Attorney in Texas: Hudspeth County Jail

The location of Hudspeth County Jail is 525 North Wilson Avenue in Sierra Blanca, Texas 79851. The jail can be contacted at the phone number (915) 369-2161. Hudspeth County Jail’s inmate capacity is 119. The Hudspeth County Sheriff handles jail operations. The Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS) is an organization that defines and enforces minimum jail standards in Texas. TCJS inspects Hudspeth County Jail annually, which is standard for all jail facilities in the state. When a jail inspection uncovers issues of non-compliance, enhanced oversight is applied while issues are resolved.

Hudspeth County Jail Use of Restraints

The use of restraints is an issue that involves strict oversight in order to protect the rights of inmates. Jailers at Hudspeth County Jail can use restraints according to Texas minimum jail standards.  A restraint must only be used to minimize the threat of harm or injury to the inmate or others. When restraints are used, it must be done in a humane way and must never be used as a form of punishment.

The following are among the detailed instructions for proper use of restraints:

  • The use of restraints on an inmate can only be carried out if a decision to do so has been made by medical personnel or supervisory personnel. Part of the process of placing an inmate in restraints is to assess that person’s medical condition.
  • Restriction of movement should only be achieved through the use of restraints to the degree necessary in order to avoid potentially injurious behavior.
  • Whenever feasible, padded or soft restraints should be used.
  • Any existing physical infirmities must not be worsened because of the use of restraints in a certain manner or position.

This website’s posts are all provided as informational resources. At no time on this site is there an intention to make a suggestion of any sort that a person, organization, or institution has been engaged in any sort of misconduct.

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author image smchugh
author image smchugh