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Wrongful Death, Neglect, and Abuse in Jail Lawyer/Attorney in Texas: Jack County Jail

The location of Jack County Jail is 1432 FM 3344 in Jacksboro, Texas 76458. The jail can be contacted at the phone number (940) 567-2221. Jack County Jail’s inmate capacity is 108. The Jack County Sheriff’s responsibilities encompass jail operations. The minimum jail standards in Texas are established by the Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS). TCJS also handles enforcement, which includes annual inspections of every Texas jail, including Jack County Jail. A jail found to be in violation of jail standards is subjected to enhanced oversight.


As in all Texas detention facilities, jailers at Jack County Jail can use restraints when inmates are exhibiting behavior that suggests they are a danger to themselves or others. Minimum jail standards in Texas provide strict guidelines for placing a detainee in a restraint device. The following are some of the rules that guide the use of restraints:

  • Restraints can only be used on inmates to protect themselves or others from harm. Restraints must never be used as a form of punishment.
  • Using restraints is at the discretion of medical personnel and supervisory personnel only.
  • An inmate placed in a restraint device must be observed every 15 minutes. The restraints should be checked to see that they are secure and the circulation of the inmate must be checked to ensure that extremities don’t have the blood supply cut off.
  • Every two hours at most, an inmate in a restraint must receive medical care. This involves such matters as allowing the inmate to use the toilet facilities, drink liquids, exercise their extremities, and change their position.
  • Documentation must be kept when restraints are being used on inmates. Matters to be documented include the events leading up to the need for a restraint device, the time restraints were applied, the justification for the action, and observations of the inmate’s condition.

This website’s posts are meant to be informative. At no time on this site, however, is there an intent to infer in any way that a person or institution has been involved in wrongdoing of any sort.

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author image smchugh
author image smchugh