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Wrongful Death, Neglect, and Abuse in Jail Lawyer/Attorney in Texas: Jasper County Jail

DM County Jail

The location of Jasper County Jail is 101 Burch Street in Jasper, Texas 75951. The jail can be contacted at the phone number (409) 384-5417. Jasper County Jail’s bed capacity is 147. The Jasper County Sheriff is responsible for jail operations. Minimum jail standards are set by the Texas Commission on Jail Standards. Enforcement is also handled by the Commission, and it primarily involves inspecting jails each year. If a jail has violated jail standards, the Commission applies greater scrutiny until the jail is deemed compliant with minimum jail standards.


The right of inmates must be protected during incarceration. For that reason, various activities in jails come under strict guidelines. Jasper County Jail, like all Texas jails, has an option of using restraints when the behavior of a detainee is a threat to themselves or to someone else’s safety. The following are some of the guidelines for using restraints:

  • Authorization for using restraints must be made by medical personnel or supervisory staff. Checking the medical condition of an inmate is part of the process of placing an inmate in restraints.
  • Under no circumstances should an inmate be placed in restraints for longer than 24 hours.
  • There are strict guidelines that uniquely apply to the restraint of pregnant inmates.  

All of the posts on this website are provided as a resource for helpful information. There is never a time on this site when it is intended in any way to infer that a person or institution has participated in wrongdoing of any sort.

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author image smchugh
author image smchugh