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Wrongful Death, Neglect, and Abuse in Jail Lawyer/Attorney in Texas: Liberty County Jail

DM County Jail 1

Liberty County Jail is in Liberty, Texas 77575 at 2400 Beaumont Ave. The jail can be contacted at the phone number (936) 336-9395. The bed capacity at Liberty County Jail is 285. Among the duties of the Liberty County Sheriff are jail operations. Liberty County Jail is inspected annually for the purpose of holding it accountable to the minimum jail standards established by the Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS). All Texas city and county jails are given the same type of oversight. Follow-up inspections are conducted on non-compliant jails, and TCJS works to ensure that deficient jails are all brought up to standard.

Medical Care for Inmates

Inmates in Texas jails receive needed medical care regardless of their ability to pay. Liberty County Jail, like all Texas jails, provides dental, medical, and mental health care.

Medical Services

The following are among the types of medical services inmates are to receive, per minimum jail standards:

  • Assessment of any new significant health issues
  • Emergency and acute care
  • Supervision, care, and monitoring of chronic disorders

Dental Services

  • Dental complaints of inmates are triaged
  • Inmates receive treatment for dental trauma, such as abscesses
  • Tooth extractions

Mental Health Services

One aspect of mental health services involves initial screening. Jailers seek to find out whether incoming inmates need special attention due to mental disabilities and/or suicidal tendencies. Other types of mental health services follow:

  • Inmates must be able to access a mental health professional either personally at the jail or through telemental health services.
  • Inmates must have access to a qualified mental health professional within a reasonable span of time.

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–Guest Contributor

Written By: author avatar smchugh
author avatar smchugh