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Wrongful Death, Neglect, and Abuse in Jail Lawyer/Attorney in Texas: Matagorda County Jail

Matagorda County Jail is in Bay City, Texas 77414 at 2323 Avenue E. The jail can be contacted at the phone number (979) 241-3275. The inmate capacity at Matagorda County Jail is 192. Among the functions and duties of the Matagorda County Sheriff is handling operations of the county jail. The Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS) establishes the guidelines jails must operate under. TCJS also conducts annual inspections as the primary method of enforcement. Non-compliant jails are more closely scrutinized, and they are disciplined if the jail doesn’t come up to minimum standards.

Inmate Restraints

A crucial function that the Matagorda County Sheriff has in the operation of the jail is to ensure the safety of inmates. When it is determined by qualified jail staff that an inmate should be placed in restraints, steps are provided that help to ensure that the inmate is not harmed by the action:

  • A qualified person must verify that an inmate does not have a medical condition that would exclude them from being placed in restraints.
  • If an inmate has a physical infirmity, he or she must not be restrained in a manner that exacerbates that infirmity.
  • Although there must be frequent assessments to determine if an inmate can be released from restraint, the maximum amount of time that an inmate can be restrained is 24 hours.
  • The required 15-minute checks which must continue as long as an inmate is in restraints include a jailer ensuring that circulation to the inmate’s extremities has not been obstructed.

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–Guest Contributor

Written By: author image smchugh
author image smchugh