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Wrongful Death, Neglect, and Abuse in Jail Lawyer/Attorney in Texas: Montague County Jail

Montague County Jail is in Montague, Texas 76251 at 111 S Grand Street. The jail can be contacted at the phone number (940) 894-2491. The bed capacity at Montague County Jail is 101. The Montague County Sheriff has charge of jail operations and the responsibility of ensuring that minimum jail standards are upheld. The Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS) establishes the guidelines for jail operations. All city and county jails are inspected each year. When a facility has failed to meet minimum standards, it is more closely scrutinized until TCJS determines that they are compliant.


Restraints on prisoners can be used at Montague County Jail when inmates are in danger of hurting themselves or could possibly injure others. Combative, potentially violent, and self-destructive inmates can be controlled using a restraint device, as long as TCJS guidelines are followed.

Restraint chairs are among the approved devices for controlling inmates as needed. The least restrictive device must be chosen for any given situation. A restraint chair is the most restrictive device, and custodial deaths have taken place while inmates have been strapped into this type of mechanical restraint device.

It is essential for jailers to follow specific instructions with regard to the restraint of inmates because they are potentially put at risk in such situations. For instance, when a prisoner is detained using handcuffs, ankle cuffs, restraint chairs, and other approved devices, they must be checked for circulation in their extremities every 15 minutes. In addition, for every two hours in restraints, inmates must be given medical care.

Inmates have rights, and minimum jail standards help to protect those rights. During jail inspections, jail records are examined to determine whether inmates have received the required considerations while in custody; and details regarding restraints are among the areas scrutinized.

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–Guest Contributor

Written By: author avatar smchugh
author avatar smchugh