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Wrongful Death, Neglect, and Abuse in Jail Lawyer/Attorney in Texas: Newton County Jail

Newton County Jail is in Newton, Texas 75966 at 110 Court Street. The jail can be contacted at the phone number (409) 379-3636. The inmate capacity at Newton County Jail is 14. The Newton County Sheriff handles jail operations according to guidelines provided by the Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS). The Commission also enforces minimum jail standards, chiefly through annual jail inspections of Newton County Jail and all other city and county jails in Texas. TCJS adds increased oversight to non-compliant jails.


Different types of restraints have been approved by TCJS for use by jailers in Newton County and throughout Texas. Jail standards detail the circumstances in which restraints can be used as well as other specifics. For instance:

  • Restraints cannot be used as a form of punishment. The only approved purposes for using restraints are to prevent injury, whether to the inmate or to others, and to control disruptive inmates behaving bizarrely.
  • The rules for use of restraints specify that an inmate cannot be strapped into a restraint chair solely because he or she is in a suicidal state.
  • The decision to place an inmate in restraints belongs only to supervisory personnel and medical professionals.
  • At all times, restraints must be used in a humane manner.
  • All aspects of using restraints in a jail must be documented in detail.

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–Guest Contributor

Written By: author avatar smchugh
author avatar smchugh