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Wrongful Death, Neglect, and Abuse in Jail Lawyer/Attorney in Texas: Real County Jail

Real County Jail is in Leakey, Texas 78873 at 146 South US-83. The jail can be contacted at the phone number (830) 232-5201. The Real County Sheriff runs the Real County Jail, which has an inmate capacity of 3. Although the bed count is small, the jail has the same requirement as all other Texas city and county jails to operate according to the minimum jail standards determined by the Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS). Texas jails are inspected annually. If there are any areas of non-compliance, TCJS follows up with a special jail inspection and possibly assistance to help the jail meet requirements for operation.

Restraint Chairs

Jailers can use TCJS-approved restraint devices to protect inmates from themselves and from potentially harming others. The least restrictive device is to be used in every instance in which qualified personnel decides that a restraint is needed. Examples of mechanical restraint devices include ankle cuffs, handcuffs, plastic cuffs, waist belts, wristlets, and restraint chairs.

In recent years, the potential dangers of various restraint methods used by police and by jailers have become a matter of public awareness. A recent national study showed that inmates had been dying as a result of being strapped in restraint chairs. This created alarm among many, and some jurisdictions have outlawed the use of this most restrictive of all restraint devices.

Restraint chairs are allowed in Texas jails, though jailers are required to follow jail standards. Medical care goes hand-in-hand with using restraints. Even before a prisoner is placed in a restraint, a medical professional is supposed to assess their health condition. In addition, inmates in restraints must be checked every 15 minutes and part of the inmate observation is to ensure that circulation to the extremities has not been affected.

This site’s posts are provided to assist Texas inmates and their families. There is never an intention to infer wrongdoing on the part of an entity or person.

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author image smchugh
author image smchugh