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Wrongful Death, Neglect, and Abuse in Jail Lawyer/Attorney in Texas: Scurry County Jail

Inside The Old Idaho State Penitentiary

Scurry County Jail is in Snyder, Texas 79549 at 1300 26th Street. The inmate capacity is 161, and the jail’s contact phone number is (325) 573-3551. The Scurry County Sheriff has the duty of running the Scurry County Jail according to the standards established by the Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS). City and county jails are inspected annually in Texas. If TCJS inspectors discover evidence of non-compliance, an additional inspection will occur after the jail has had time to remedy the problem. Added scrutiny continues until the jail is up to code.

Restraint Chairs

Although associated with tremendous controversy, restraint chairs are among the TCJS-approved restraint devices used in Texas jails. Watchdog groups have exposed the fact that inmates have died as a result of being in a restraint chair. In addition, shocking abuses occur, such as repeatedly tasing an inmate who is helpless, being restrained at the ankles and wrists.

Among the minimum jail standards associated with using restraint chairs is the instruction to use them as directed by professional manufacturers of the chairs. The following are a few of the manufacturers’ warnings:

  • If a chair is used without an understanding of the instructions, serious injury or death can occur.
  • A restraint chair must never be used for punishment.
  • Violent behavior that results in being placed in a restraint is often masking critical medical conditions. Detainees must continually be monitored and provided medical treatment as needed.
  • To prevent injury, leg irons and handcuffs must be removed as soon as possible.

This site’s posts are intended to help inmates whose civil rights might have been violated while detained in a Texas city or county jail. There is never an intention to insinuate that wrongs have occurred on the part of an individual or entity.

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author avatar smchugh
author avatar smchugh