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Wrongful Death, Neglect, and Abuse in Jail Lawyer/Attorney in Texas: Stonewall County Jail

DM Inside a jail cell

Stonewall County Jail is in Aspermont, Texas 79502 at 432 S Jefferson. The jail has an inmate capacity of 10, and the contact phone number is (940) 989-3333. The Stonewall County Sheriff’s duties include jail operations at Stonewall County Jail. County jails of every size are required to operate according to the minimum jail standards created by the  Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS). During the annual inspections at every county Texas jail, records are checked and inspectors seek to verify whether or not a jail is up to code. Non-compliant jails must make appropriate changes to ensure compliance. Until that time, the jails continue to be scrutinized at a heightened level.

Restraint Chairs

TCJS has determined that certain restraint devices should be allowed so that jailers can gain control of inmates exhibiting potentially harmful behavior. The least restrictive device must be used in each instance. The use of restraint chairs is allowed in Texas, and they are the most restrictive devices.

Various jurisdictions across the US have banned restraint chairs in jails because there has been evidence of widespread abuse, and many custodial deaths are associated with the chairs.

One study of the dangers of restraint chairs made a practical conclusion for eliminating abuses. The study concluded that additional accountability measures should be established, including videotaping all activities related to using the restraint chair.

The purpose of this site’s posts is to assist Texas prisoners detained in county jails. It is never intended to infer that entities or individuals have been involved in misdeeds.  

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author avatar smchugh
author avatar smchugh