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Wrongful Death, Neglect, and Abuse in Jail Lawyer/Attorney in Texas: Swisher County Jail

DM Inmate in handcuffs

Swisher County Jail is in Tulia, Texas 79088 at 136 E Broadway Avenue. The jail has an inmate capacity of 27, and the contact phone number is (806) 995-3326. The Swisher County Sheriff operates the Swisher County Jail. Like every Texas county jail,  minimum jail standards for operation are determined by the Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS).

Restraint Chairs

It has been approved by TCJS that jails are able to use restraint devices to get control of inmates at risk of endangering others. Among the requirements for using restraint devices is that the least restrictive method must be chosen in every case. Therefore, only in extreme cases and with assurance from medical personnel, jailers are allowed to place inmates in a restraint chair, which is the most restrictive restraint device.

Watchdog groups have exposed the fact that restraint chairs are frequently abused in jails across the nation. Custodial deaths have occurred in connection with restraint chairs in numbers that have stirred concern and controversy. Some jurisdictions have even outlawed the use of these devices in which ankles, wrists, the torso, and the lap are strapped down.

The Texas Commission on Jail Standards has provided detailed guidelines for using all restraint devices. The seriousness of using such methods is suggested because the jail guidelines for restraint devices are listed under the heading of inmate health care. Also, medical professionals are supposed to be involved throughout the period of restraint.

The purpose of this site’s posts is to assist Texas prisoners detained in county jails. It is never intended to infer that entities or individuals have been involved in misdeeds. 

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author avatar smchugh
author avatar smchugh