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Wrongful Death, Neglect, and Abuse in Jail Lawyer/Attorney in Texas: Terrell County Jail

Terrell County Jail is in Sanderson, Texas 79848 at 105 E Hackberry Street. The jail has an inmate capacity of 8, and the contact phone number is (432) 345-2513. The Terrell County Sheriff is responsible for Terrell County Jail operations. As in all county jails in Texas, the County Sheriff will run the jail according to minimum requirements laid out by the Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS). Each year, TCJS conducts inspections at all county jails in the state. If a jail has failed to meet minimum jail standards, it is brought under increased scrutiny and may be provided with assistance to meet the mandatory requirements.

Restraint Chairs

Inmates exhibiting dangerous behavior that places them or others at risk may be placed in a restraint device. TCJS has approved various devices, including the most restrictive, which is the restraint chair.

When placed in a restraint chair, the inmate will be immobilized as his or her ankles and wrists are restrained with locking mechanical straps. In addition, the lap and torso of the inmate are also strapped in. Although an approved device in Texas, restraint chairs are quite controversial due to the results of nationwide studies of inmate treatment in county jails.

Research shows that numerous complaints are routinely made against jails with respect to how restraint chairs are used. Abuses are frequently reported, and an alarming number of custodial deaths are linked to these restraint devices.

The posts on this website are provided as potentially helpful resources for Texas inmates currently or formerly housed in county jails. It is never intended to denote that individuals or institutions have engaged in misdeeds of any kind. 

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author avatar smchugh
author avatar smchugh