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Wrongful Death, Neglect, and Abuse in Jail Lawyer/Attorney in Texas: Titus County Jail

Titus County Jail in Mount Pleasant, Texas 75455 is located at 304 S Van Buren Ave. The jail’s bed capacity is 182, and the contact phone number is (903) 575-5602. The Titus County Sheriff has the job of ensuring that Titus County Jail operates according to state requirements. Among the duties of the Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS) is to establish rules dictating the care, treatment, and custody of inmates in county jails.

Restraint Chairs

County jails in Texas are permitted to use TCJS-approved restraint devices to gain control of inmates exhibiting potentially harmful behavior. The least restrictive type of device is to be used in each circumstance. If all others fail, restraint chairs can be used in Texas jails.

Restraint chairs are controversial because it has been discovered that abuse in connection with the devices is rampant in many jails throughout the United States. For instance, there are patterns such as using pepper spray on inmates strapped into a restraint chair and keeping inmates in the chair longer than the mandatory time limits.

One of the dangers associated with restraint chairs is that the inactivity of having ankles, wrists, and the torso strapped in can lead to blood clots, which, ultimately, can be deadly.  

This site’s posts are proffered as a way to help inmates housed in Texas county jails. At no time is there an intent to signify that individuals or institutions are engaged in misdeeds. 

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author avatar smchugh
author avatar smchugh