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Wrongful Death, Neglect, and Abuse in Jail Lawyer/Attorney in Texas: Tom Green County Jail

DM County Jail 1

Tom Green County Jail in San Angelo, Texas 76903 is located at 122 W Harris Ave. The jail’s bed capacity is 1,001, and the contact phone number is (325) 659-6597. The Tom Green County Sheriff’s responsibilities include Tom Green County Jail operations, which encompasses meeting minimum jail standards. Every aspect of Texas county jails is under the auspices of the Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS).  

Restraint Chairs

TCJS has the role of establishing rules regarding inmate treatment and has determined that jails can use restraint chairs for gaining control of inmates posing a potential danger to themselves or others. A restraint chair is to be a last resort, considering that the least restrictive type of restraint device must be used in each situation.

An inmate’s ankles, wrists, and torso are all strapped down in a restraint chair. This inactivity alone endangers people because potentially deadly blood clots can develop. Watchdog groups have discovered, however, that even greater hazards exist in connection with restraint chairs.

In jails across the country, there is evidence of widespread abuse in which inmates in restraint chairs are treated inhumanely, though such treatment is in violation of every state’s standard. Restraint chairs are also linked to numerous custodial deaths.

This site’s posts are proffered to assist Texas inmates housed in county jails. At no time is there an intent to indicate that individuals or institutions are engaged in misdeeds. 

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author avatar smchugh
author avatar smchugh