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Wrongful Death, Neglect, and Abuse in Jail Lawyer/Attorney in Texas: Trinity County Jail

Trinity County Jail in Groveton, Texas 75845 is located at 214 1st Street. The jail’s bed capacity is 7, and the contact phone number is (936) 642-1424. The Trinity County Sheriff has charge of Trinity County Jail operations, which includes keeping the jail in compliance with minimum jail standards. The Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS) is responsible for county jail construction and operations in Texas. Non-compliant jails are subjected to increased scrutiny and can be disciplined further if the matters cited by inspectors are not resolved in a timely manner.

Restraint Chairs

Among the decisions that TCJS has made in establishing minimum jail standards is the approval for using restraint chairs in county jails in Texas. These extremely restrictive restraint devices are not to be used unless less restrictive means have already been tried and have failed.

Inmates are strapped into restraint chairs with locking mechanisms at the ankles and wrists. They are also strapped in at the lap and the torso. Manufacturers of restraint chairs suggest a 2-hour limit with an absolute maximum 10-hour period of time in a chair. Texas rules exceed these recommendations, having set a 24-hour limit on keeping an inmate in a restraint device. There is a requirement, however, to give an inmate medical care and a brief time of freedom of movement every two hours. During these medical sessions, inmates are allowed to exercise their extremities, drink liquids, go to the restroom, and more.

This website provides posts as a potential help for prisoners in Texas county jails. At no time is there meant to be a suggestion that individuals or institutions are or have been engaged in improprieties. 

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author avatar smchugh
author avatar smchugh