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Wrongful Death, Neglect, and Abuse in Jail Lawyer/Attorney in Texas: Upton County Jail

DM Corridor in County Jail with inmate and deputy

Upton County Jail in Rankin, Texas 79778 is located at 1106 Grand Street. The jail’s bed capacity is 54, and the contact phone number is (432) 693-2422. The Upton County Sheriff handles Upton County Jail operations, which includes ensuring compliance with minimum standards. The guidelines for running county jails are set forth by the Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS). Enforcement is also a duty of the Commission, and it largely focuses on yearly jail inspections and follow-up visits for non-compliant detention facilities.

Restraint Chairs

It was determined by TCJS that various types of restraints can be used to gain control of inmates behaving in a potentially injurious manner. Restraint chairs are approved but are only to be used if less restrictive devices have all failed to resolve the situation.

When an inmate is in a restraint chair, locking mechanisms are strapped to his or her ankles and wrists. Straps are also applied at the lap and torso. Numerous hazards are associated with these restraint devices, and many are revealed simply by reading manufacturers’ instructions. The following are some examples:

  • An inmate can die or suffer a serious injury if the person placing him or her in a restraint chair does not know or understand the manufacturer’s instructions.
  • Leg irons and handcuffs must be removed as soon as possible to prevent injury.
  • An inmate’s circulation can be cut off if care isn’t taken with the belts and straps.
  • The suggested limit for keeping an inmate in a restraint chair is 2 hours or, in certain circumstances, up to 10 hours maximum.

In Texas, restraints are permitted to be kept on an inmate for as long as 24 hours, as necessary.

This site is intended as a resource to help county jail prisoners in Texas. There is never an intention to suggest that persons or entities have been involved in wrongs. 

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author avatar smchugh
author avatar smchugh