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Wrongful Death, Neglect, and Abuse in Jail Lawyer/Attorney in Texas: Uvalde County Jail

Uvalde County Jail in Uvalde, Texas 78801 is located at 339 King Fisher Lane. The jail’s bed capacity is 214, and the contact phone number is (830) 278-4111. The Uvalde County Sheriff is in charge of Uvalde County Jail operations. The Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS) decides the requirements for all Texas county jails. Inspections are conducted at every Texas County jail each year. Non-compliance is answered with increased scrutiny, at least one additional inspection, and possible disciplinary action.

Restraint Chairs

When inmates are behaving in a way that could potentially injure themselves or others, restraint devices can be used to prevent harm. The least restrictive device that will work for a given situation must be used. If all less restrictive restraints have failed to resolve matters, a restraint chair is permitted in Texas jails.

In various regions throughout the U.S., restraint chairs have been banned. This has occurred increasingly as watchdog groups have exposed the dangers associated with the chairs. Although restraint chairs create the risk of an inmate developing a potentially deadly blood clot, other threats are even more ominous.

Research has discovered patterns of abuse in association with restraint chairs. Custodial deaths have also occurred in connection to the chairs being used incorrectly and, in too many cases, in allegedly inhumane ways.

This site is intended as a resource to provide assistance to county jail inmates in Texas. There is never an intention to infer that individuals or entities have been involved in misdeeds. 

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author avatar smchugh
author avatar smchugh