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Wrongful Death, Neglect, and Abuse in Jail Lawyer/Attorney in Texas: Val Verde County Jail

Val Verde County Jail in Del Rio, Texas 78840 is located at 295 FM 2523. The jail’s bed capacity is 178, and the contact phone number is (830) 774-7513. The Val Verde County Sheriff handles Val Verde County Jail operations. Minimum standards must be met, and the requirements are enforced by the same entity that establishes them, that being the Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS). Val Verde County Jail is inspected by TCJS inspectors each year, the same as all other county jails in the state. When non-compliance is discovered during an inspection, the jail is placed under intensified scrutiny and may get assistance to meet minimum standards.

Restraint Chairs

TCJS has provided jailers with the option of using restraint devices if an inmate displays injurious behavior. The least restrictive device must be chosen in each situation involving the restraint of an inmate. If all other TCJS-approved devices fail to gain adequate control, a restraint chair can be used.

According to manufacturers of restraint chairs, the devices pose various threats to the individuals placed in them. A basic health threat associated with the restraint device is that the inactivity in a restraint chair can result in a life-threatening blood clot or pulmonary embolism.

In the United States, various jurisdictions have chosen to ban the use of restraint chairs. Watchdog groups have exposed the fact that a pattern of abuse is associated with the restraint chairs and custodial deaths sometimes occur.

The posts on this website are intended as resources that could be helpful to inmates in Texas county jails. It is never intended on this site to denote that entities or persons have been involved in wrongdoings. 

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author avatar smchugh
author avatar smchugh