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Wrongful Death, Neglect, and Abuse in Jail Lawyer/Attorney in Texas: Victoria County Jail

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Victoria County Jail in Victoria, Texas 77901 is located at 101 N Glass Street. The jail’s bed capacity is 532, and the contact phone number is (361) 575-0651. The Victoria County Sheriff handles Victoria County Jail operations, ensuring that minimum standards are met. Oversight of county jails is the responsibility of the Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS), and it includes establishing and enforcing jail requirements. Victoria County Jail is subjected to annual inspections, the same as all Texas county jails. Non-compliance is met with enhanced scrutiny, at least one additional inspection, and, as needed, disciplinary measures.

Restraint Chairs

Jailers in Texas can use TCJS-approved restraint devices on inmate’s exhibiting behavior that could potentially cause harm. The most restrictive device approved for use in Texas jails is the restraint chair. All less restrictive devices must be tried before using the restraint chair, per jail standards.

There are dangers associated with restraint chairs, the most prevalent being that inactivity in the chair can result in potentially deadly blood clots. Watchdog groups have revealed more sinister hazards in that there are patterns of abuse in county jails throughout the US. Pepper spray and tasers are frequently used on inmates in restraint chairs, though such behavior is a violation of jail standards in every state. Most alarming, however, is that inmates have been dying at an alarming rate as a result of being in a restraint chair.

The posts on this site are intended to help inmates in Texas county jails. There is never an intention to infer that persons or entities have engaged in wrongs. 

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author avatar smchugh
author avatar smchugh