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Wrongful Death, Neglect, and Abuse in Jail Lawyer/Attorney in Texas: Ward County Jail

Ward County Jail in Monahans, Texas 79756 is located at 300 E 4th Street. The jail’s bed capacity is 68, and the contact phone number is (432) 943-6703. The Ward County Sheriff runs Ward County Jail, and the requirement for county jails is to meet Texas jail standards. The Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS) is in charge of determining minimum jail standards. Every county jail in the state is inspected by TCJS annually. If a jail is non-compliant, it is monitored more closely by TCJS.

Restraint Chairs

Restraint devices have been approved for use in Texas county jails but for one purpose. Only to prevent injurious behavior by an inmate can a jailer place him or her in a restraint device. The device that will calm the situation with the least amount of restriction must be chosen. If all other methods fail, only then can a TCJS-approved restraint chair be used.  

Restraint chairs have locking mechanisms for the wrists and ankles.  In addition, the lap and torso are strapped down. Because of the immobility in the chair, inmates are at risk of developing life-threatening blood clots.

Red flags are now commonly associated with restraint chairs because watchdog groups have discovered that abuse occurs in many of the nation’s county jails in connection with restraint chairs.

The posts on this website are resources meant to assist current or former Texas county jail inmates. It is never intended on this site to infer that persons or entities have engaged in misdeeds. 

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author avatar smchugh
author avatar smchugh