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Wrongful Death, Neglect, and Abuse in Jail Lawyer/Attorney in Texas: Webb County Jail

DM County Jail 1

Webb County Jail in Laredo, Texas 78042 is located at 1001 Washington Street. The jail’s bed capacity is 570, and the contact phone number is (956) 523-4408. The Webb County Sheriff is in charge of Webb County Jail operations. The jail must be run according to the minimum standards dictated by the Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS). Oversight of Texas county jails is the responsibility of TCJS, beginning at the construction stage. Jail inspections are conducted annually as an enforcement strategy, to ensure that jails abide by minimum jail standards. Non-compliant jails have an additional inspection, at least, and could have disciplinary action taken against them if requirements are not met.

Restraint Chairs

TCJS allows for the use of restraint devices to maintain a safe environment when an inmate is behaving in a threatening manner. Restraint chairs are among the approved devices for use in Texas county jails. Whenever a restraint is used, jail staff members are required to use the least restrictive device that can mitigate the situation. As a last resort, when all else has been tried, the restraint chair can be used. The chair has locking mechanical devices at the ankles and wrists. The lap and torso are also restrained, though with a strap.

While in this vulnerable position, inmates are at risk for potential abuse, according to research on US jails conducted by watchdog groups. Simply being kept in an immobile position is a threat to health because an inmate can develop a deadly blood clot.

This website’s posts are intended to provide assistance to Texas county jail inmates. There is no intention on this site to suggest that persons or institutions have engaged in wrongs.

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author avatar smchugh
author avatar smchugh