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Wrongful Death, Neglect, and Abuse in Jail Lawyer/Attorney in Texas: Wilbarger County Jail

Wilbarger County Jail in Vernon, Texas 76384 76301 is located at 5215 College Drive. The jail’s bed capacity is 49, and the contact phone number is (940) 553-1351. Wilbarger County Jail operations are the responsibility of the Wilbarger County Sheriff. Whether large or small, all county jails in Texas must be run according to the dictates of the organization given charge over county jails, which is the Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS). Wilbarger County Jail is inspected by TCJS each year, which is the same for all county jails. When a jail has failed to maintain minimum jail standards, it is subjected to heightened scrutiny and at least one special inspection to ensure things are up to code.

Restraint Chairs

In making determinations regarding the activities in county jails, TCJS has approved using restraint chairs. If an inmate is behaving in a manner that suggests harm will come to the inmate or others, he or she can be placed in a TCJS-approved restraint device. All devices that are less restrictive than the restraint chair must be attempted before using the restrictive device.

In recent years, there has been increasing controversy surrounding restraint chairs. Watchdog groups have identified patterns of abuse associated with the restrictive devices. Although some jurisdictions in the US have banned using restraint chairs, they are still used across Texas.

Because of the health threat posed by restraints, medical care is always included in the process of placing an inmate in a restraint device and at specific, frequent intervals while the inmate is still restrained.

This website’s posts are meant as potential aids to Texas county jail inmates, whether currently or previously incarcerated. This site has no intention to infer misdeeds on the part of individuals or entities.

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author avatar smchugh
author avatar smchugh