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Wrongful Death, Neglect, and Abuse in Jail Lawyer/Attorney in Texas: Willacy County Jail

Willacy County Jail in Raymondville, TX 78580 is located at 1371 Industrial Drive. The jail’s bed capacity is 96, and the contact phone number is (956) 689-5576. Willacy County Jail operations are handled by the Willacy County Sheriff. County jails in Texas are subject to the requirements set out by the Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS). County jails are inspected annually. TCJS provides additional oversight to jails that are non-compliant.

Restraint Chairs

Under the category “Health Services” in the Texas Administrative Code, TCJS has authorized the use of restraints. Restraint chairs are among the approved restraint devices, though they are controversial. Jurisdictions in various parts of the US have banned the use of restraint chairs.

In Texas, the least restrictive restraint device must be used in any given circumstance in which an inmate must be detained to prevent harm or escape. Jailers have a duty to follow the directive of health care professionals if they request that jailers do not use restraints on an inmate or that they remove the restraints.

There are dangers associated with restraint devices, and restraint chairs in particular can be hazardous. The inactivity forced upon inmates as they are bound to a chair by their ankles, wrists, lap, and torso can lead to a deadly blood clot.

This website’s posts are meant to give helpful information for the benefit of Texas county jail inmates whose rights may have been violated. On this site, there is no intention to infer wrongs on the part of entities or persons.

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author avatar smchugh
author avatar smchugh