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Wrongful Death, Neglect, and Abuse in Jail Lawyer/Attorney in Texas: Williamson County Jail

DM County Jail 1

Williamson County Jail in Georgetown, Texas 78626 is located at 306 W 4th Street. The jail’s bed capacity is 1,128, and the contact phone number is (512) 943-1365. Williamson County Jail’s operations are the responsibility of the Williamson County Sheriff. As with all Texas county jails, Williamson County Jail must meet minimum jail standards, which are created by the Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS). Enforcement is achieved through annual jail inspections and, if found to be non-compliant, follow-up scrutiny.

Restraint Chairs

When it becomes necessary for county jail staff to gain control over an inmate who is threatening harm, restraints can be used. Among the TCJS-approved restraint devices are restraint chairs. Medical care provisions must be made from the start through the duration in which an inmate is restrained. For example, no inmate should be placed in a restraint until a medical professional has determined the individual’s health condition. Members of the jail staff are required by minimum jail standards to follow directives given by medical personnel regarding placement in and removal from a restraint device.

Restraint chairs are controversial because they are associated with patterns of abuse as well as custodial deaths. The manufacturers of the chairs provide insight into the potential hazards associated with them because of the warnings given. For instance, serious injury or death could occur if an inmate is placed in a restraint chair by a person who either has not read or does not understand directions for use.

This website’s posts are designed as potential resources to help county jail prisoners in Texas who believe their rights may have been violated. On this site, it is never intended for improprieties to be inferred upon persons or institutions.

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author avatar smchugh
author avatar smchugh