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Wrongful Death, Neglect, and Abuse in Jail Lawyer/Attorney in Texas: Wilson County Jail

Wilson County Jail in Floresville, Texas 78114 is located at 800 10th Street. The jail’s bed capacity is 160, and the contact phone number is (830) 393-2535. Wilson County Jail’s operations are among the duties of the Wilson County Sheriff. The Texas legislature has determined that oversight of county jails in the state will be handled by the Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS). During annual jail inspections, county jails are often found to be out of compliance with Texas jail standards that are established by TCJS. When that happens, additional oversight is provided until the jail is up to code.  

Restraint Chairs

When members of a jail staff need to prevent a prisoner from causing harm, TCJS-approved restraint devices can be used to mitigate the situation. Guidelines require jailers to use the restraint device that is the least restrictive necessary for the circumstance. In extreme cases, restraint chairs can be used.

An inmate is strapped into a restraint chair with mechanical locking devices on the ankles and wrists. Also, the torso and lap are typically strapped down. This complete restriction of the body from movement poses a health threat to any inmate because such inactivity can cause a life-threatening blood clot to develop.

Restraint chairs have been a topic of controversy because various watchdog groups have exposed hazards associated with them, including patterns of abuse among jailers.

The posts on this site are meant as resources to assist prisoners formerly or currently housed in Texas county jails. On this site, it is never intended for wrongs to be inferred upon individuals or institutions.

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author avatar smchugh
author avatar smchugh