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Wrongful Death, Neglect, and Abuse in Jail Lawyer/Attorney in Texas: Young County Jail

Young County Jail in Graham, Texas 76450 is located at 315 N Cliff Drive. The inmate capacity at the jail is 144, and (940) 549-4512 is the phone number. The Young County Sheriff handles Young County Jail operations. All county jails in Texas are inspected annually by the Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS). If a jail does not meet requirements set forth by TCJS, it is non-compliant and subjected to increased scrutiny.

Restraint Chairs

Jail activities must line up with minimum jail standards, and TCJS has approved the use of various restraint devices to help when an inmate is behaving in a threatening manner that could cause harm. The least restrictive device that is appropriate for the situation must be used. A last resort is to use a TCJS-approved restraint chair, which completely restricts the movement of an inmate. Ankles and wrists are restrained with mechanical locking devices and the lap and torso are strapped in.

The manufacturers of restraint chairs include warnings such as the threat of developing blood clots due to inactivity. A blood clot can cause a fatal pulmonary embolism. Another warning is that an inmate could be injured or killed if the person strapping them into the chair has not read or understood the instructions.  

For the purpose of assisting current and former inmates of Texas county jails, this website provides posts with potentially helpful information. It is never intended to suggest that institutions or individuals have engaged in wrongdoing.

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author image smchugh
author image smchugh