Wrongful Death or Abuse in Jail Lawyer/Attorney in Texas: Crosby County Jail

The address of Crosby County Jail is 201 W Aspen Street in Crosbyton, Texas 79322; and the phone number is (806) 675-7301. Crosby County Jail has an inmate capacity of 11. Running the jail is among the responsibilities of the Crosby County Sheriff. Jails are held accountable to abide by minimum standards by the Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS).
Crosby County Jail Visitation
In order to have visitors, inmates at Crosby County Jail must fill out a Visitor Registration Form. Visitors must show a valid ID. Minors age 16 and under must be accompanied by an adult who has been listed as an approved visitor.
Visitors can save time by becoming familiar with all of the rules of visitation prior to arrival. For instance, appropriate attire must be worn for jail visitation; but jails have different definitions of “appropriate attire.” You may want to call Crosby County Jail to determine whether they can provide you with their specific rules that apply to inmate visits.
Visitors cannot bring anything with them during a visit, including purses, cell phones, books, food, drinks, or photographs. Items that are strictly prohibited also include the following:
- Cigarettes and other types of tobacco products;
- Medication, whether prescribed or over-the-counter;
- Recording devices;
- Keys;
- Money;
- CDs;
- Razors;
- Pens; and
- Knitting needles.
In general, visitors can wear jewelry, though it may be necessary to take the jewelry off when going through the metal detector.
In order to speak on the phone with inmates, the inmate must make the call, which is a collect call.
This website’s blog posts are provided strictly for informational purposes. There is no intention in this or other posts on the site to denote that any institution, individual, or organization has engaged in wrongdoing of any kind.
–Guest Contributor