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Attorney for Jail Death Texas – A Woman’s Accusations of Unreasonable Force Being Used Against Her and Suffering Extreme Pain Inflicted by Jail Deputies Leads to Policy Changes

Stun gun
Stun gun / taser

A woman who was an inmate in 2017 has made claims that correctional officers in the jail caused her to suffer extreme pain when they allegedly used unreasonable force on her. She says that after making a suicidal comment, she was placed on suicide protocol. While being restrained in a restraint chair, a stun gun was used on her as well as a spit hood. In addition, she was hurt as multiple pressure point pain compliance methods were used on her.

The woman’s efforts to shine the spotlight on the unjust mistreatment she allegedly suffered in the jail has led to changes within that city jail. The following are among the policy changes:

  • Deputies are prohibited from using a taser while a person is restrained in a restraint device.
  • Deputies must now have additional mandatory training with regard to policy changes and de-escalation techniques as well as treatment of prisoners with mental health issues.
  • When possible, a member of the mental health staff at the jail must be consulted before a person is restrained in a restraint chair.
  • Before suicide protocols are implemented, the presence of a mental health or jail medical staff member is required, whenever possible.
  • Detainees must have access to in-person mental health services at all times, though COVID-19 may require the use of Telehealth services.

All Texas county and city jails have constitutional duties they are required to provide to inmates. A jail can be sued if any unconstitutional practice, policy, or custom is found to have caused a custodial suicide or any other type of custodial death.

The purpose of this post and all posts on this website is to provide information. It is not intended to assert or suggest wrongdoing or misconduct on the part of an individual or an institution.

–Guest Contribution

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