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Wrongful Death, Neglect, and Abuse in Jail Lawyer/Attorney in Texas: Fisher County Jail

DM Inside a jail cell

The address of Fisher County Jail is 207 E North 1st Street in Roby, Texas 79543; and the jail can be contacted by calling (325) 776-2273. Fisher County Jail has an inmate capacity of 24. Among the duties of the Fisher County Sheriff is the duty of managing jail operations. The Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS) determines minimum standards for all jails in the state. Jail inspections and heightened oversight of non-compliant facilities are the primary methods for enforcement of jail standards.

Suicide Prevention

Keeping inmates safe is the number one duty of all Texas jails, including Fisher County Jail. The TCJS conducted an analysis of suicide prevention in coordination with pertinent organizations. The following are among the conclusions that were reached and that have led to enhanced procedures:

  • Although it is recognized and understood that not all custodial suicides can be foreseen or prevented, increasing training for jailers is an effective way to enhance the safety of inmates.
  • The ability to identify signs and symptoms of both mental illness and the potential that an inmate might attempt to commit suicide are major aspects of jailer training.
  • Providing effective training on inmate screening at the stage of intake equips jailers with detection skills and an awareness of suicidal tendencies in detainees.
  • It is considered an effective training mindset that all inmates are susceptible to the potential of attempting to commit suicide at any point during incarceration.

The purpose of this site’s posts is to serve as informational resources, and there is in no way an intent to denote that an institution or individual has engaged in any type of misconduct.

–Guest Contributor

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