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Wrongful Death, Neglect, and Abuse in Jail Lawyer/Attorney in Texas: Lynn County Jail

Lynn County Jail is in Tahoka, Texas 79373 at 810 Lockwood St. The jail can be contacted at the phone number (806) 561-4505. The bed capacity at Lynn County Jail is 54. The Lynn County Sheriff’s functions encompass jail operations, which involves ensuring the safety of inmates. Minimum jail standards that guide the way jails are run are determined by the Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS). Annual oversight occurs every year in the form of jail inspections.

Restraint of Inmates

Jailers in Texas are able to restrict the bodily movements of inmates using approved methods when certain circumstances exist. For instance, a restraint method can be used when it appears that the inmate is behaving in a manner that is a danger to himself/herself or others. A restraint device cannot, however, be used as a type of punishment. The following are examples of approved methods for the restraint of inmates:

  • Personal Restraint—Physical force alone is applied to restrict the inmate’s movement and to restrain physical activity.
  • Ankle cuffs—This is a metal band that fastens around the ankles for the purpose of restraining the legs from moving freely.
  • Waist belt—A waist belt is a leather or cloth band that is fastened around an inmate’s waist and is used to secure the arms to the front or to the sides of the body.
  • Restraint chair—A restraint chair is a professionally manufactured chair that completely immobilizes the limbs and torso of a prisoner.

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Wrongful Death, Neglect, and Abuse in Jail Lawyer/Attorney in Texas: Lee County Jail

Lee County Jail is in Giddings, Texas 78942 at 2122 FM 448. The jail can be contacted at the phone number (979) 542-2800. The bed capacity at Lee County Jail is 107. The responsibilities of the Lee County Sheriff include jail operations. The same as every jail in Texas, Lee County Jail is inspected every year by the Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS), which determines the minimum jail standards in the Lone Star State. Non-compliant jails are subjected to heightened oversight and, when necessary, further disciplinary actions.

Restraint Devices

Texas jailers can use various mechanical restraint devices to restrict the bodily movements of an inmate whose behavior poses harm to himself or herself and others. In correctional facilities categorized as “non-secure,” there are limitations to the types of mechanical restraint devices that can be used. The following are among the mechanical restraint devices that are permitted in all detainment facilities in Texas:

  • Ankle cuffs, which restrain the movement of the legs with a metal band around the ankles.
  • Handcuffs, which are designed for the wrists, restrain the unrestricted movement of the arms and hands.
  • Waist belts, designed to be fastened around the waist, are metal, leather, or cloth bands used to secure an individual’s arms to the front or sides of their body.
  • Plastic cuffs can be used on the legs or wrists to restrict the movement of the legs, arms, or hands.

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Attorney Dallas-Fort Worth: Texas Jails are Cited for Restraint Violations – Part 3 of 3

In the jail inspection reports issued by the Texas Commission on Jail Standards in 2020 in which jails were cited in connection with the use of restraints, the report itself reviews the following aspects of minimum jail standards applicable to restraints:

Restraints can be used on inmates that exhibit behavior suggesting that they are a danger to themselves or others, in order to minimize the threat of harm or injury. When restraints are deemed necessary, the following jail standards must be followed:

  • They must be used in a humane manner.
  • They must be used only to prevent injuries and not as a form of punishment.
  • The inmate must be observed every 15 minutes, and the visits must be documented.
  • During the observations that occur every 15 minutes, the circulation to the inmate’s extremities must be checked as well as the security of the restraints.

The following are examples of 2020 non-compliance in two Texas jails in the area of restraints:

The restraint log at one county jail showed that jailers exceeded the required observation checks that must be done every 15 minutes on multiple occasions, and the time was exceeded by between 1 minute and 16 minutes.

Restraint chair logs show that jailers exceeded the required observations required to occur every 15 minutes on multiple occasions, and the delays were between 1 and 10 minutes.

See Part 1 and Part 2 of this three-part series.

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Wrongful Death, Neglect, and Abuse in Jail Lawyer/Attorney in Texas: Hutchinson County Jail

The location of Hutchinson County Jail is 1400 Veta Street in Borger, Texas 79007. The jail can be contacted at the phone number (806) 274-6343. Hutchinson County Jail’s inmate capacity is 70. The Hutchinson County Sheriff’s duties include the operation of the jail. The Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS) establishes minimum jail standards in Texas. TCJS is also responsible for enforcement. Annual inspections of all Texas jails, such as Hutchinson County Jail, is standard. Jails found to be in non-compliance are subjected to increased oversight.

Use of Restraints at Hutchinson County Jail

An option that all Texas jailers have, including those at Hutchinson County Jail, is the use of restraints. Inmates do not lose their rights simply because they are incarcerated. As pertains to restraints, jailers are required to use them on inmates according to strict guidelines. The following are among the jail standards relating to restraints:

  • Restraints must only be used for the purpose of minimizing the threat of harm or injury to the inmate or others.
  • When restraints are deemed necessary, they must be used in a humane manner.
  • Restraints can only be used when the decision to do so has been made by supervisory or medical personnel.
  • There must be documentation of inmate checks, which must occur every 15 minutes to ensure the security of the restraints and to make sure there is still circulation in the inmate’s extremities.

This website’s posts are meant to be informative. At no time on this site, however, is there an intent to infer in any way that a person or institution has been involved in wrongdoing of any sort.

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